How to Choose the Best Domain Name
Picking the RIGHT domain name for your business idea is crucial for success. Often new business owners rush to choose a domain name for their business only to realize that they have made the wrong choice. If you choose the wrong domain name, it can be a hassle to switch without hurting your brand and search rankings.
While our domain name generator will help you find a lot of good domain name ideas, it can also be quite overwhelming for new users to see so many choices. That’s why we have created a seven-step framework to help you easily choose the best domain name.
1. The advantage of '.com' domains.
.com is the most well-known domain name extension in the world. This is why most smartphone keyboards have a built-in .com button.
While it can be tempting to choose one of the newer extensions like .photography, .blog, .club, etc, we recommend that all business owners always choose a .com domain name.
The biggest reason is that your users are conditioned to type .com at the end of every website. For example, if your website was sally. photography, and your users typed in, then they might end up on an error page, or worse, your competitor’s website.
It’s wise to avoid the risk and choose a .com domain name.
2. Use keywords in your domain.
Keywords play a huge role in search engine rankings. If you want your website to rank higher in Google, then having a keyword in the domain name can be very helpful.
This is why Nameboy’s domain name generator allows you to add multiple keywords to see the best combination.
You can use this creative keyword combination with other words to make your domain name stand out while also boosting your chances to rank higher in search results.
3. Make it easy to pronounce and spell.
One of the biggest reasons for lost traffic is typos. When choosing a domain name, it’s extremely important that your website name is easy to spell and pronounce.
This way if you’re ever in a public place without a business card, then you can easily share your website and know that the other person will be able to find it.
4. Keep it short.
Following the same reasoning as #3, it’s generally a good idea to keep your domain name short (ideally under 15 characters).
Longer domain names are hard to remember, and they are also prone for more typos.
5. Make it brandable.
With millions of websites on the internet, you want to make sure that your domain name is unique and brandable so that it stands out in your readers’ minds.
You should look at other business websites in your industry to see what kind of names they’re using. This will give you an idea of what’s acceptable, and it will also prevent you from accidentally using a trademark domain name.
Brandable domains are short, catchy, and easy to pronounce.
6. Avoid hyphens at all costs.
While it can be tempting to choose a domain name with a hyphen just because it has your preferred keywords, we always recommend avoiding hyphens at all costs.
Hyphens can be a sign of spam domains, and you don’t want your business to be associated with that.
Hyphenated domains are also prone to more typos. Often your users will forget to add the hyphen and end up on your competitor’s website.
7. Avoid double letters.
Another thing we advise our clients is to avoid domain names with doubled letters because it increases your chances of losing traffic to typos.
For example, a domain like will be more prone to typos and result in lost traffic.
Most domain name generators or business name generators are not smart enough to avoid doubled letters, so it’s a very important thing that you must keep in mind when choosing the domain name for your website.
We hope that you found these tips useful. Don’t forget to use these best practices when using the Nameboy’s domain name generator to choose the right domain name for your business.

Chief Technology Officer