The beginning
Starting a new business and developing a cohesive brand identity always go hand in hand. At RiseTheWeb, we focus on research, design trends, and innovation, while also following the preferences of the client.
TARTIST is a place where handmade tartlets and desserts are actual pieces of art (but you can still buy them and eat them). Located in Texas, US and also opening an online store, TARTIST needed a brand identity that resembles the high-class artistry’s desserts.
The challenge
We started the process by creating a vision board to set the mood and understand the client’s expectations. We also conducted small marketing research and defined a specific target audience.
The client had picked an original company name with the idea to emphasize the letter “A” for Artist and a Raspberry colour. It was important to know that the tarts and desserts Tartist offers are patiently handmade, with high-quality ingredients and full attention to detail.
The results
Our work process consisted of extended marketing research and presenting the clients with 3 distinct design directions while following strictly the clients’ wishes, our research, and the current trends.
We designed the logo to be responsive, adaptable for social media and online use, but also print, merchandise, in-store usage, and the desired food stamp. We prepared multiple assets and mock-ups to make sure that we can visualize the desired results accordingly and meet the client’s expectations.
We’re excited to see our design getting stamped on the icing of the cake, making Tartist’s creations, not just delicious, but also a memorable tArtistic dessert.

Design Team Lead